If you’ve been single long enough, you’ve heard a litany of reasons you’re single, ways to remedy that, and trite theological expressions to explain why God hasn’t led you to your “soulmate” yet.
Most of us have learned to smile and hold our snark and chalk it up to people who mean well. But if we didn’t rein ourselves in, we might find our responses to be similar to some of these. You know, hypothetically speaking of course…
When your married friend tells you he wishes he had the free time you have…
When your friend who jumped from relationship to relationship tells you that when you stop looking, you’ll find him…
When your pastor’s wife pulls you aside to ask you if you’ve prayed about finding a spouse…
When your friend who is marrying a nagging woman tells you that you’re just too picky…
When your great aunt wants to introduce you to her Bunko partner’s grandson who lives in her basement…
When your married friends share about how much greater their lives are with spouses than without…
When a college student tells you of her struggle with singleness…
When someone tells you that if a husband is the desire of your heart, God will bring him because Psalm 37:4…
When a couple in your small group talks about their great single sister, but there’s no discussion of introducing you to her…
When the first question someone asks you on a date is “Why are you still single?”…
When Christians tell you to just wait and God will drop him at your doorstep…
When Christians tell you you’re not doing enough to find a spouse…
When the thousandth person asks you if you’ve tried online dating…
Did you see last month’s Summer Wedding Season in GIFs? For more humorous posts, check out our new Christian Singles Humor collection in the toolbar at the top of the page.
Photo credits: Reaction GIFs and Giphy