{Editor’s Note: Usually this Sunday series is dedicated to sarcasm, but Jake’s message to the ladies feels like the right post to run this week. Maybe some of us just need to be reminded that we’re fearfully and wonderfully made.}
Women, you’re awesome. Really. You look good, smell good, and have a graceful way of doing most things. And I’m talking about normal, everyday women, not the made-up ones in movies. With this said, your items in the plus column outweigh the negatives. Unless you have a suitcase full of crazy, but that’s for another day.
The woman in Proverbs 31 was an ideal. She wasn’t one in particular, so don’t get too upset if you’re not living up to it. Now, if you have a problem getting into bar fights and feel the incessant need to complain about everything, those might be good personality traits to work on. On the other hand, you just being you is not a bad thing.
Sure you have some things you’re insecure about, but so does everyone else. Different personalities don’t always click, so don’t take it too hard if things don’t work out with a particular person. You’re still a woman and have a lot going for you. Your uniqueness is something you should highly value. Mass-produced Barbie dolls are boring.
I can’t lie, looks matter, but what creates or breaks a relationship has far more to do with your personality and character than anything else. Don’t apologize for, don’t mask, and don’t cover up the things that are part of who you are. God knew what he was doing when he made women the counterpart of men, and He did an excellent job.
About Jake Harvey: For the past four years, Jake has held a secret security job protecting citizens of Fort Worth. Really, it’s just him riding around in his pickup truck with a shotgun. While driving around, his music choices go from Waylon Jennings to Clutch to TV on the Radio. When he stops at red lights, he is often reminded of his severe dislike of the Chicago Cubs and whining. When Jake’s patrol stops at the local 7-11 to scout out any troublemakers or hooligans, he always has to get a pack of gum and a strong cup of coffee. Jake also spends time studying economic theory, buying books and guns, and resisting the urge to breakdance when he sees cardboard on the ground. You can follow him @jakeharvey6.
*Photo credit: Tumble Fish Studio